
There is no denying it. Bees are a vital role in the production of food. Wether you like them or not, without bees nothing would get pollenated as they make their way around looking for a tasty bit of nectar. As they rub against the flowers, their velvety coats are coated in the dusty pollen which in turn is mixed with pollen from other plants completing the process and making the plants fertile. If this did’nt happen there would be no fruit or veg!

These natural flying friends are worth 800 million pounds to the UK government alone. In recent times though they appear to be declining due to a number of reasons mostly with mankind to blame. Disappearing habitats, pesticides and even climate change have been theorised. But it is time to help not wonder. Here are some pointers so you can help against their plight.


Boxes such as theses can be purchased or made easily. They provide homes for solitary bees, such as Masons or Leafcutters. In this picture, you can see both species have taken advantage of this manmade home! The larvae inside will incubate all through Winter before leaving in Spring.

To make one of these, try using a nice bit of wood and drilling holes approximately 4inches deep. The holes should ideally range from 8mm-12mm wide. Remove any sawdust or splinters that may put bees off. The finished product should then be placed facing south, just under a meter off the floor where it won’t be disturbed. For best results, have some bee attracting flowers growing around it.

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