
This page is where I shall be adding some of my favourite plants and a little bit about them. More will be added over time but here are a few to set the ball rolling.


This plant, also known as Anise Hyssop/Mexican Hyssop, should be a must for every garden. Not only is it so easy to grow from seed, is is also very high in nectar and all manner of wildlife that feed on nectar will lap it up. It can be planted in the ground or in tubs. Growing to about 3 feet, it initially resembles a nettle, but is later topped by violet cones. I recently grew a cluster from seed and gave them to a friend. Weeks later she sent a photo and I was amazed to see one of these had flowered white cones! Also, this plant contains the lovely fresh smell of aniseed!


Buddleia can grow to several meters high and just about anywhere. It usually comes in four main colours, white, pink, violet or purple and carries a sweet scent. Butterflies absolutely adore this plant and other insects will be tempted by this scent. To prolong flowering you can cut the dead heads off. Trimming it back will produce a bushier plant the following Summer.


A very familiar plant, most people buy Lavender because of its wonderful unmistakable scent. The oil also contains camphor which helps keep the moths away. After each flowering it is best to trim this plant down a little so it does’nt turn into a straggly mess. Bees absolutely love Lavender, and many of them can be seen working away on just one plant. Sometimes also used as flavouring.

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